NESR, formerly known
as NEL
Nutrition Evidence Library was renamed to Nutrition Evidence Systematic Review (NESR) to communicate that we are a team of professionals who specialize in conducting systematic reviews on food- and nutrition-related topics.

USDA’s Center for Nutrition Policy and Promotion (CNPP) renamed the Nutrition Evidence Library (NEL) in March 2019.
The new name, Nutrition Evidence Systematic Review (NESR), communicates that we are a team of professionals who specialize in conducting systematic reviews on food- and nutrition-related topics.
The name change also aims to address the misperception that we are a library that collects, houses, or conducts original nutrition research.
The new name was selected through a comprehensive and balanced approach that involved brainstorming, landscape analysis, and collecting input from CNPP staff and leadership, and Federal stakeholders from USDA and HHS.
NESR was chosen because it better reflects that systematic reviews are the primary service offered. The new name does not reflect a change to NESR’s services or approach to conducting evidence-based reviews with scientific integrity. NESR maintains its rigorous, protocol-driven methodology to answer important public health questions by evaluating the body of scientific evidence on topics relevant to Federal policy and programs.